A Study on Patient Safety Awareness among Final Year Medical Students and CRMI's in Government Medical College in Chennai


  • Arul Jothi CRMI, Government Medical College, Omandurar Government Estate
  • Kamali R. Assistant Professor, Government Kilpauk Medical College, Omandurar Government Estate
  • Arun Murugan S. Professor and HOD, Government Medical College, Omandurar Government Estate
  • Ramasubramanian R. Associate Professor, Government Medical College, Omandurar Government Estate
  • Uppuli Venkat Ragavan M. Associate Professor, Government Nagapattinam Medical College, Omandurar Government Estate
  • Aravind G. Assistant Professor, Government Chengalpattu Medical College, Omandurar Government Estate
  • Sathishkumar K. Associate Professor, Government Medical College, Omandurar Government Estate




Patient safety awareness, final year MBBS, interns


Introduction: Awareness about patient safety practices is important to prevent transmission of infection. By assessing the awareness and practices about infection control one can plan health education to increase their awareness.

Methods and Material: The research was conducted after getting the Institutional Ethics Committee approval. The sample size was about 159 people includes final year medical student and CRMI under Government Omandurar Medical College. Sample was collected via Google forms. Results: Out of total study population 12% are unaware of patient safety policy, 30%cross contamination in health care are due human contact, 18% are through contaminated items. 30% of study population don’t wash their coat and OT dress regularly.

Conclusions: Antenatal care utilization was low which shows the need for the scaling up of ANC services even during Covid-19 period.


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How to Cite

Jothi, A., R., K., S., A. M., R., R., M., U. V. R., G., A., & K., S. (2023). A Study on Patient Safety Awareness among Final Year Medical Students and CRMI’s in Government Medical College in Chennai. International Journal of Preventative & Evidence Based Medicine, 1(1), 27–30. https://doi.org/10.61986/ijpem.v1.i1.2023.6



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