A Cross-Sectional Study on Knowledge, Attitude, Practice of COVID-19 Vaccines among General Population in Central Tamilnadu


  • Thangaraj P. Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Trichy SRM Medical College Hospital & Research Institute
  • Jeffin S. Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Trichy SRM Medical College Hospital & Research Institute, Trichy
  • Rajasekar S. MBBS student, Trichy SRM Medical College Hospital & Research Institute




COVID-19 vaccine, acceptance, hesitancy, KAP


Introduction: COVID-19 vaccine was intended for active immunization of people to prevent the spread of infection. The goal of vaccines was to contribute to the equitable protection and promotion of human well-being among people globally. The objective of the study was to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of COVID-19 vaccine among general population in the field practice area attached to a teaching hospital.

Methods and material: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a semi-urban area in Central Tamilnadu over a period of 3 months from May to July 2021 among 217 general populations using a pre-validated questionnaire sent through Google forms by Whatsapp.

Results: The mean age of the study population was 25.62 ± 8.5 years. Only 41.9% knew that taking COVID-19 vaccine was not legally mandatory. Almost all the participants (98.2%) correctly mentioned adults aged more than 18 years were eligible for the vaccine. Majority (67.7%) were strongly willing to take the COVID-19 vaccine with 35.5% strongly agreeing to even pay for the vaccine. About 53.5% of participants had taken both doses of vaccine. The rapidity in which COVID-19 vaccine was developed is the major concern in taking vaccine.

Conclusion: Major concerns regarding the vaccine has been identified which will assist the policymakers in effective implementation of vaccine drive in our setting.


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How to Cite

P., T., S., J., & S., R. (2023). A Cross-Sectional Study on Knowledge, Attitude, Practice of COVID-19 Vaccines among General Population in Central Tamilnadu. International Journal of Preventative & Evidence Based Medicine, 1(1), 31–37. https://doi.org/10.61986/ijpem.v1.i1.2023.7



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