Factors Influencing Early Detection of Breast Cancer among Women in Thirumazhisai Area - A Qualitative Study


  • Aayisha Aathila MBBS student, Saveetha Medical College and Hospital, Thandalam
  • Pooja Mary Vaishali L. Post graduate, Department of Community Medicine, Saveetha Medical College and Hospital, Thandalam
  • Angusubalakshmi R. Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Saveetha Medical College and Hospital, Thandalam
  • Gomathy Parasuraman Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Saveetha Medical College and Hospital, Thandalam




reproductive age group, breast cancer, early diagnosis


Introduction: Globally, Breast cancer is the fifth main cause of cancer mortality, with 6, 85,000 deaths. The prime reason for the rise in mortality rate is the failure of early detection of the disease and absence of early detection programs. The barriers to early detection of breast cancer are multifactorial. According to various other studies conducted in India, the most important barriers are fear of cancer and lack of knowledge about the disease.

Objectives: The aim of this study is to identify the barriers and facilitators for early detection of breast cancer among women in Thirumazhisai area. This study has not been conducted in Thirumazhisai area before hence the results of this study will help us understand the factors influencing the early detection of breast cancer among women in Thirumazhisai area.

Methods and Material: A qualitative study was done among women of reproductive age (15-49) group in Thirumazhisai area. In depth interviews were conducted by using a topic guide. The interviews were then translated to English from Tamil to the closest verbatim as spoken by the participants. The data is then coded in excel sheet and analyzed by using Colazzi Thematic Analysis. The codes are then classified into various themes and subthemes.

Results: Data was collected from 15 participants. The results showed lack of awareness, fear of diagnosis, financial constraints, shyness, negligence, myths and misconceptions about the disease as the major barriers for early detection of breast cancer. Facilitating factors mentioned by the participants included awareness creation, family support and policy changes like free of cost treatment.

Conclusions: This study demonstrated lack of awareness, fear of diagnosis, financial constraints, shyness, negligence as the major barriers to early detection of breast cancer. Hence measures like conducting screening programmes and awareness programmes, free of cost treatment, and BSE should be done to increase the early detection of breast cancer.


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How to Cite

Aathila, A., L., P. M. V., R., A., & Parasuraman, G. (2023). Factors Influencing Early Detection of Breast Cancer among Women in Thirumazhisai Area - A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Preventative & Evidence Based Medicine, 1(1), 45–52. https://doi.org/10.61986/ijpem.v1.i1.2023.10



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